Alice Orzechowski and Scott Hoyman have been raising award winning Saanen dairy goats for over 3o years. They have won numerous national awards for total milk production, as well as butterfat and protein content. Caprikorn Farms is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where all our goats browse as nature intended. We provide the highest standard of humane care. Although we have over 200 goats, they each have a name and we totally enjoy their distinct personalities.
The fertile Blue Ridge Mountains provide a diet resulting in high quality milk with exceptional flavor - perfect for cheesemaking. Our raw goat milk cheeses are literally hand made in small batches in the tradition of the best artisanal farmstead cheeses. We are Maryland's first On-Farm-Home Licensed Goat Cheese Processor.
We make Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar, Feta, Jalepeno Cheddar, Gouda, Aged Gouda, fresh and flavored chevres.
Stop by our tent and sample our awesome goat cheeses. We also make dog treats with Cheddar goat cheese and pumpkin along with selling goat milk soap made with our goat milk.