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Vendor Application

Do you plan to attend each week?

Market Agreement 

I have read the Market Application and Market Rules and Regulations, which includes the Frederick  Farmers Market Rules, Procedures & Products Guidelines. If accepted into this Market, I hereby agree  to abide by the Frederick Farmers Market Rules and Regulations. Further, I agree to sell at FFM only  such items as those listed in the Market Application unless an additional request is granted by the FFM  at a later date. I also acknowledge those products must be of my own production or produced at the  location described in the Market Application. I acknowledge full responsibility for all my activities in the  Market (and for those assisting me) throughout the term of this season’s Market (April 27, 202- Nov.  23, 2024). I acknowledge the authority of the Market Manager and /or the FFM Directors to immediately  settle any disputes regarding product legitimacy, procedural and vendor conduct violations, and impose  any penalties, including possible suspension or removal from the Market. I agree to allow the Market  Manager, directors, representatives of FFM and / or County Extension Agent to inspect, at anytime, the  premises where the products offered for sale are produced. Failure to allow an inspection will constitute  a violation of the Market Rules and Regulations. I understand that FFM does not carry any insurance  policies to cover individual participants and that I am required to carry such insurance. I certify that I have read the Market Rules and Regulations and that the information contained in this  application is true and accurate. 

Thanks for Submitting!

We Require: 

· Copy of your liability insurance, $1 million minimum, with "West Frederick Farmers’ Market LTD"  named and additionally, "Gavigan's Furniture" as co-insured. 

· Address on certificate: 1215 W. Patrick St Frederick Md 21702 

· Copies of all health and regulatory permits 

· One time application fee (non-refundable) of $50 (new vendors only)**Due with Application**.


Time: 10 am until 1 pm 

Location: 1215 West Patrick Street (Gavigan's parking lot):

Saturdays 10am-1pm
1215 West Patrick Street
Frederick, MD 21702

Golden Mile/Gavigan's Furniture 
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